How Do I Join?

Joining fees and membership renewals fees are shown below

Month of joiningAge < 25Age > 25Annual renewal of £20 at each AGM (October)
Between January and May£28£34Due current year
June or July£22£26Due current year
August or September£33£45Due next year
Between October and December£33£45Due current year

TriumphThe fee includes a copy of Roadcraft – the Police Driving Manual for car drivers, and Motorcycle Roadcraft for motorcycle members. It also covers the cost of administration, hiring venues and organising presentations and social events.

We welcome members throughout Wiltshire.  If you live outside this area, you will still be welcome as a member, but you may have to travel further to meet your tutor, for drives / rides.
Tutor Locations

To join the group, simply download the following application form and send it to the Membership Secretary together with your payment.

Membership Application Form
